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July Southwest Florida Real Estate Outlook

July 12, 2023 |

As the last of the fireworks fade, Southwest Florida’s real estate market experienced some notable trends and developments this summer.

In June, the market continued to exhibit a healthy balance between buyers and sellers.  The demand for single-family homes, condominiums, and townhouses remained strong throughout the month. While there was a slight increase in listing prices, it did not deter buyers.

Pricing continued its upward trajectory in June. The median sale price for residential properties experienced a moderate increase, primarily driven by the sustained demand and limited inventory.

Inventory levels remained relatively tight, with a limited supply of available properties. This situation has been an ongoing trend in Southwest Florida, contributing to the continued upward pressure on prices. However, new construction projects are underway, which should help alleviate the strain on inventory in the coming months.

Looking ahead, the Southwest Florida real estate market is expected to maintain its stability and continued growth.  We have a strong economy and we’re a desirable area as a residential and vacation destination.

If you have questions or need specific information about a particular neighborhood or property type, then feel free to reach out to us at 239-542-1075. We’re here to help with all of your real estate needs.