Florida Enters Phase 2 of the SAFE. SMART. STEP-BY-STEP Plan to Re-open
June 5, 2020 | Blog

Starting Friday, June 5, Phase 2 applies to all counties in Florida except Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach may seek approval to enter Phase 2 with a written request from the County Mayor or County Administrator if there is no County Mayor.
Here is a brief breakdown of Phase 2. I have also included a link to the complete plan.
- Restaurants may allow bar-top seating with appropriate social distancing.
- Bars and pubs may operate at 50 percent capacity inside and full capacity outside with appropriate social distancing. Patrons may only receive service if seated.
- Retail establishments may operate at full capacity with responsible social distancing and sanitization protocols.
- Gyms may operate at full capacity with appropriate social distancing and frequent sanitization.
- Entertainment businesses, including but not limited to movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys and arcades, may operate at 50 percent capacity with appropriate social distancing and sanitization protocols.
- Pari-mutuel facilities may submit a request to open to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
- The request must include an endorsement from their county mayor or county administrator if there is no mayor.
- Personal services businesses, including but not limited to tattoo parlors, acupuncture establishments, tanning salons and massage establishments may operate while adhering to guidance from the Florida Department of Health.
- Individuals over 65 or with underlying medical conditions are strongly encouraged to avoid crowds and take measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
- All individuals that work in long-term care facilities should be tested for COVID-19 on a routine basis.
- All persons in Florida are encouraged to avoid congregating in groups larger than 50.
Florida’s state universities developed a task force to create a framework to re-open Florida’s campuses in the fall and universities will present their plans on June 23, 2020.